Hello every one , I have an important announcement! 1I have made an update to the android app to include security updates , updated the logo ,updated the app to fix a few loading bugs. I also made a new minified website. You will need to sign up with new credentials as your current credentials for the website will not be the same as the mini site. Check it out https://mini.freeflowtalk.com There will be an app for the mini site coming soon!
Hello every one , I have an important announcement! 1I have made an update to the android app to include security updates , updated the logo ,updated the app to fix a few loading bugs. I also made a new minified website. You will need to sign up with new credentials as your current credentials for the website will not be the same as the mini site. Check it out https://mini.freeflowtalk.com There will be an app for the mini site coming soon!
Free Flow Mini
Speak freely, connect openly, and share without limits!
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